
The 11:11 Experience in Costa Rica was truly life-changing for me. I joined the retreat in hopes of finding more clarity and balance within myself but left with SO much more. My spiritual knowledge was expanded, an aligned sisterhood/deep connection was built amongst the 12 of us, a massive personal transformation took place within me, a much deeper connection with Mother Earth, and conquered mental blocks that were keeping me in old detrimental patterns and overall left with knowing more of my authentic self.

The retreat was very versatile with a well-executed agenda filled with excursions, spiritual ceremonies, downtime, time to experience the town/culture, meditation, yoga, ecotherapy and so much more! The host Shae did a fantastic job creating this safe welcoming experience that was inclusive to all of our needs. She is so knowledgeable, and kind and really made us all feel so empowered.

I can’t wait for more retreats with The 11:11 Experience!

Arianna Fiorini , Costa Rica 2023
arianna testimonial
arianna testimonial

We are constantly surrounded by “people” in life. Children, friends, spouses, family and just random strangers.. but yet feel alone. Alone in our heart and thoughts. This trip brought the most magical group of strangers together and we are forever now connected in mind and spirit. We did things we were afraid of, spoke about things we didn’t even know were in our heart. We laughed, we cried and most importantly we connected. I didn’t have any expectations from this trip but knew I wouldn’t be let down. 

Every detail was planned out… all you had to do was pack a bag. 

Daye Avila, Costa Rica 2023

This trip is EXACTLY what I needed. When I first heard about this retreat I jumped at the opportunity not knowing what to expect. As details were unveiled I counted down the days. The host, Shae, took everyone’s thoughts and needs into account and masterfully created something that was unique to everyone and included opportunities to fill time with specific activities for every individual. I was anxious walking into a group of strong women and letting my guard down to speak personally on my thoughts/feelings but that immediately went away with the warmth and love from each one of them.

From day one with the temescal, to a beautiful hike up a mountain to sleep under the waterfalls, eco therapy on the beach, daily yoga/meditation, an on-property chef, and the closing sound ceremony… This experience not only tested me mentally and physically but emotionally and I left feeling incredibly grateful! I already started packing for the next trip! Cheers to Shae for creating what is guaranteed to be a trip of a lifetime

Kristin Dauss, Costa Rica 2023
arianna testimonial
arianna testimonial

Shae did an amazing job organizing this trip. Everyday was a new adventure. I did things I never thought I would – or could – do. I came home with increased self-confidence and a new circle of friends.

Charisse Penevolpe Young Costa Rica 2023